It was another one of those weeks :)
Pretty cool/funny story:
Part 1 -
A couple weeks ago we noticed this jogger running and then spotted him again a couple days later but in a whole different part of the city. It seemed like we saw him no matter where we were. One time, we were driving to an appointment and we saw him again and we were like man we should teach this guy the gospel. He has a whole lot of time to run, he should have plenty of time to sit down with us and hear our message. We considered rolling down the window and flicking a pass-along card for him to read while he jogged but then figured that would be dangerous. We laughed and continued on our way.
Part 2 -
There is a recent convert in our area that goes to the singles ward and has done an amazing job at sharing the gospel. Her friend got baptized right before Elder Stevens and I got here and we have been visiting and teaching him. He's a super cool guy. Anyway, she told us a couple weeks ago that she has another friend that agreed to meet with us. We tried setting up some appointments but they kept falling through. Finally we had one set for last Sunday night at Natalia's house. We get to her house and she introduces us to her friend. Guess who it was? The jogger!!! Haha so our wish came true. We have started teaching this guy the gospel. It's been tons of fun. We had another lesson last night and we have another tomorrow. I wish I could stay here a little longer!
Wow, the time just flies by huh? Things are going so wonderful. Thanks so much for your prayers and sending me such amazing letters. I'm not quite sure why I'm being so blessed. I guess instead of asking why, I'll just continue to give thanks. This is going to be another great semana :)
Los quiero!!
-Elder Brett
p.s. a few more pictures
1st picture - This is me and little Jonathan Godoy, the almost two year old little monster. We always say kneeling prayers as a family and he has gained the habit of kneeling with us and folding his arms. It's super cute. He also gained the habit of making weird faces whenever he sees a camera lens. I love this family.
2nd picture - Me and the elders in our apartment.
3rd picture - Me and my companero jumping off the swings at the park after a grueling game of futbol. We have a great zone, but two weird zone leaders ;)