Remember the C____ family? The family of 8 that recently got baptized. Well, they are migrant workers and spend the summers working in the fields (they spent many years in Michigan; that's where Maria and Jessica were born) They just left for Nebraska a week and a half ago, and Elder Covington and I did everything we could to make sure they remain active. We found the nearest chapel, got the number for the branch president, and even had directions/map printed out from mapquest so they could get to church on Sunday. They promised that they would go to church. They just said that they hoped they wouldn't have to work on Sundays. They seemed pretty hesitant to ask their boss for Sunday's off.
We had one final Family Home Evening at a member's house, and then went over the next morning as they were packing and we gave them pictures of their baptism, gave them blessings of safety and peace, and then said our goodbyes. We left that day hoping that during the summer they would actually go to church and remain active. Well, check this out.
Our ward mission leader, hermano quinones, came by our apartment on the following Monday night and was ecstatic. He told us that the C____'s had called him and told them their experience on Sunday. Turns out, they went to church on Sunday morning at 9 a.m. since that was when church started here in Edinburg, but found out upon arrival that church actually started at 10. While waiting in the foyer, they met the missionaries (there are a pair of Spanish speaking missionaries assigned to that branch!) and they told them that they would introduce them to the branch president when we stepped out of his office. The meeting finished and the missionaries went to introduce him to the Celedon's, and guess who it was!? The branch president was their boss! He is their boss at the fields where they work, and they already have an awesome relationship. Hermano C____ had told us numerous times about how nice their boss was and that they had a great relationship.
We couldn't believe it when hermano Q____ told us this story! What a miracle! Now they won't have to worry about working on Sundays. Also, since it is a fairly small branch, they will receive callings in the branch and are practically guaranteed to stay active. It's going to be great when they come back to Edinburg and can be such a great asset to the ward.
They have our addresses and we are going to be staying in contact during the summer. I'm super excited for them. They are an awesome family. I included a picture of us saying goodbye.
Hope all is well. It's hot and humid down here :)
Elder Brett
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