We're still working on building up our teaching pool. As a zone though, we are doing great. We had several families come to church yesterday that are investigating the gospel. Did I mention that our entire zone attends the same wards? English and Spanish. There are only 10 people in our zone right now, including us, but we should be a total of 12 the start of the new transfer. I love being in a small zone. It's weird that my next area will most likely be my last (unless I end here in Edinburg, then this is my last!) But I'm guessing that I'll go to one more place. Wow.
I included a picture of Meliza and her family. Meliza is the niece of the C___ family. Meliza and her daughter Vida got baptized a few weeks ago and they are one of the coolest families I've met on the mission. Their son angel is 5 and he's a riot. Now her mom and brother Arturo (both included in picture) are preparing to get baptized, and should later this month. They all lived in Lansing for most of their lives, and Arturo is the one that I want to have stay with me at Michigan for a week or so. He's not a big fan of south texas; he wants to go back to Michigan pretty badly. Oh and guess what, Meliza was called to be a primary teacher and actually teaches her daughter's class. haha it was pretty funny when she received the call and figured out that she'd be teaching Vida. Vida turns 10 in just a couple weeks though so it won't be for very long. Meliza is such an amazing convert and already has so many friends in church. She reminds me of my convert Tabby from Corpus Christi. Tabby by the way is transferring to BYU in the August. Crazy huh?
Life is amazing. Thanks y'all for the letters and love.
Hasta luego,
Elder Brett
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